Thursday, December 9, 2010

House of Representatives Passes the Dream Act

L.A. Now had a news article claiming that the Democratically-controlled House of Representatives on Wednesday narrowly approved the Dream Act. The Dream Act barley passed with a 216 to 198 vote. Now it is time for the Senate to vote on the bill on Thursday. Senator Harry Reid even said that the bill probably wouldn't pass in the Senate with the needed 60 votes. Republican leaders are against the DREAM Act saying that it is just another form of amnesty for young generation and would be too costly to the taxpayers.

I was actually surprised to hear that the DREAM Act actually passed in the House of Representatives! There has been so much controversy and the act being changed all of the time trying to favor the Republican party, I thought that the legislation would have voted against it for not staying consistent.  I guess we will just have to see if Senator Harry Reid is right with his predictions for the Senate. To read more click here

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

DREAM Act Rewards Illegal Behavior

Fox news wrote an article saying
"With just a few weeks until the end of the year, Congress has a full plate of legislative issues left to tackle, among them, the controversial DREAM Act proposal. Calling the act "poorly drafted, filled with loopholes" and something that "rewards illegal behavior," Senator Jeff Sessions R-Al., told Fox News on Sunday the U.S. must "confront the massive illegality [occurring] in the immigration process." When asked if its fair to enforce the law on children who were illegally brought into the U.S. by their parents, Sessions said the country needs to find a way to "deal with [all] people entering the country illegally" before attempting to enact legislation such as the DREAM Act. The Act, which seeks to provide provisions for people between the ages of 12 and 35 currently living in the U.S, is especially relevant for illegals living in the U.S. who were brought here as minor children."

I understand where the Senator is coming from to an extent. With this act I think that it would give more of an incentive for illegal immigrants to try to immigrate into this country to get their child one step closer to being a citizen of this country. Just like the law stating that if a child is born in this country it is a U.S. citizen, it in a way encouraged pregnant mothers to try to come in illegal and birth their child at an American hospital. On the other hand, I think that the DREAM Act is a good idea, just because it really wasn't the child's idea to move to the U.S. when they were just babies. If we give them citizenship of this country, than we can give them an opportunity to have a successful life (hopefully) and then in return hopefully they will pay LOTS of taxes to support our failing economy! In the long run, the DREAM Act does seem like an excellent idea to me, and plus, how fair would it be to have to kick them out of the only country they know and send them back to an unfamiliar land? Also, maybe people complain about the language barrier and how the Mexicans are unwilling to learn English. Well the reality of it is, is that it is more of the older immigrants that are less willing to learn English than the younger immigrants- especially if a child has been living in the U.S. since birth, you can pretty much guarantee that they will learn English and speak it as well. All in all, the people we should be worried out abusing the DREAM Act and the people we would be "rewarding for illegal behavior" would be the parents trying to give their child citizenship to the U.S.; not the child- so why punish them?

To read the full article click here

Monday, December 6, 2010

While immigration drops, businesses are crying out for more staff

Australia seems to be having an opposite problem as us- their immigration rate is dropping and not enough people in the workforce. In October, just 9370 overseas arrivals settled on Australian shores, the lowest total since March 2004.

It's kind of weird to think that in this country we don't have enough jobs to give to everyone but just across the ocean, they dont have enough people to fill their jobs! The sad thing is that more people are migrating out of Australia than migrating into the country. Maybe we should just send some of our immigrants over there?!
