Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shoot to Kill

I found this article on wonkroom.thinkprogress.org about and interview between Georgia State Representative John Yates and Atlanta's Fox5 and his views on illegal immigration:

Georgia state Rep. John Yates (R) was asked for his recommendations on what to do about illegal immigration. Yates replied that troops on the border should be given “shoot to kill” orders and that flyers should be dropped in Mexico warning of the new immigration policy. “They ought to be armed and if warned leaflets dropped all over Mexico says that we will shoot to kill if anybody crosses and be serious about this and if they do that then there won’t be anybody killed [sic],” reasoned Yates.

In an interview with Atlanta’s Fox5, Yates stood by his comments:
Some have questioned Yates’ comments. When asked if he could see why people would be upset with his comments Yates, “No, I don’t think they’d be upset with what I’d say.”
“If they come over here, on these raids killing ranchers and everything, you got to stop them some way,” said Yates.
Yates likened illegal immigrants to enemies of the country.
“Stopping Hitler was worth the price,” Yates said. “It’s our border, they’re invading us.”

When I read this article I started laughing at how extreme not only people but high profile political people are taking illegal immigration. Not only does Yates take it to a whole new level saying that it is ok to "shoot to kill" an illegal immigrant trying to cross the border, but he also brings Hilter into it but doesn't really do a good job connecting illegal immigration and Hilter together. When the interviewer asked Yates about how illegal immigration  relates to Hilter, all he says is "It's our border and they're invading us." Huh, I don't really recall learning about Hitler and his invasion of our border. Very interesting...
Looking at it from a positive side, I guess you can't really call Yates cold hearted for his comment since he does suggest that we drop fliers all over northern Mexico warning them of the new "shoot to kill" policy. At least they had a fair warning? Also, what better way to make environmentalist become upset than not only killing trees for these fliers but also littering all of northern Mexico! Brillian idea.


Video of the Interview

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