Thursday, December 9, 2010

House of Representatives Passes the Dream Act

L.A. Now had a news article claiming that the Democratically-controlled House of Representatives on Wednesday narrowly approved the Dream Act. The Dream Act barley passed with a 216 to 198 vote. Now it is time for the Senate to vote on the bill on Thursday. Senator Harry Reid even said that the bill probably wouldn't pass in the Senate with the needed 60 votes. Republican leaders are against the DREAM Act saying that it is just another form of amnesty for young generation and would be too costly to the taxpayers.

I was actually surprised to hear that the DREAM Act actually passed in the House of Representatives! There has been so much controversy and the act being changed all of the time trying to favor the Republican party, I thought that the legislation would have voted against it for not staying consistent.  I guess we will just have to see if Senator Harry Reid is right with his predictions for the Senate. To read more click here

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