Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Immigration Politcal Cartoon

Honestly, how true is this cartoon? I feel like we always "claim" that we want to keep out illegal immigration, but in all reality, how hard are we really trying to keep it out? I understand that we need immigrants to do the jobs that no one else will want to do, and this is evident with the 'Take Our Jobs' campaign, but why can't we just admit that we need these immigrants and let them in? Now, I'm not saying let the flood gates open and let all of immigrants that want to come in come in, but why can't we just a) approve the DREAM Act and b) revise the visa or citizenship process and get on with our lives?! I think that cartoon is a perfect representation of what is going on right now... and we all know it's true!

Monday, September 20, 2010

I found this while browsing through different cartoons on the Internet. I thought it is hilarious because it calls us out on what we are doing today and I think it's ironic that we are making such a big fuss about it when we did it to the Native Americans. On the topic of immigration, citizens always point out the fact that our country was built on immigration, referring to the Irish immigration, the Chinese immigration, or Ellis Island, but the only immigration that people always tend to leave out is OUR immigration in 1607. Huh. Funny how we always bring up what other people do but never own up to what we do also.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Joke of the Day: The fence dividing the U.S./Mexican border

Yahoo! news had an article relating to a special report about the U.S./Mexican border that aired yesterday on HBO. I didn't watch the program, but what I read on Yahoo! was quite interesting. The article talked about the construction of the fence that follows the U.S./Mexican border that started in 2006. What I didn't realize, was that the fence was never actually not completed. To be exact, the fence only covers one-third of the 2,000 mile border! The question I want to know is, how are we suppose to keep illegal immigrants out if we have a fence that doesn't even cover half of the border? It seems as though, our politicians can only talk the talk, but can't actually walk the walk. The part that is most frustrating to me is, this fence will cost about $6.5 billion on maintenance of the fence over the next 20 years! I can think of a million ways I could spend $6.5 billion dollars more efficiently than pretending to protect out borders.

For more information: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100915/us_nm/us_usa_mexico_fence_1

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Despite SB 1070, Deaths of Illegal Immigrants Rise

I found a news clip on Yahoo! talking about how the death rate of illegal immigrants has been at the highest level since 2005.  This seems interesting considering Arizona is trying to pass a Senate Bill to try to stop or cut back illegal immigration, and with the summer months still far from over, you would think that the immigration level would drop tremendously. Guess not! The video even explains that "border jumpers know the risk, but try to focus on their goal- landing a U.S. job." Now that is what I call determination.  This video clip makes me sit back and think, is SB 1070 even going to work at keep illegal immigration out of our state?

To see the actually video: http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/21678947;_ylt=Aoif1zGs.lW.EVK7xGGv4j_3SpZ4