Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Despite SB 1070, Deaths of Illegal Immigrants Rise

I found a news clip on Yahoo! talking about how the death rate of illegal immigrants has been at the highest level since 2005.  This seems interesting considering Arizona is trying to pass a Senate Bill to try to stop or cut back illegal immigration, and with the summer months still far from over, you would think that the immigration level would drop tremendously. Guess not! The video even explains that "border jumpers know the risk, but try to focus on their goal- landing a U.S. job." Now that is what I call determination.  This video clip makes me sit back and think, is SB 1070 even going to work at keep illegal immigration out of our state?

To see the actually video: http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/21678947;_ylt=Aoif1zGs.lW.EVK7xGGv4j_3SpZ4

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