Friday, September 17, 2010

Joke of the Day: The fence dividing the U.S./Mexican border

Yahoo! news had an article relating to a special report about the U.S./Mexican border that aired yesterday on HBO. I didn't watch the program, but what I read on Yahoo! was quite interesting. The article talked about the construction of the fence that follows the U.S./Mexican border that started in 2006. What I didn't realize, was that the fence was never actually not completed. To be exact, the fence only covers one-third of the 2,000 mile border! The question I want to know is, how are we suppose to keep illegal immigrants out if we have a fence that doesn't even cover half of the border? It seems as though, our politicians can only talk the talk, but can't actually walk the walk. The part that is most frustrating to me is, this fence will cost about $6.5 billion on maintenance of the fence over the next 20 years! I can think of a million ways I could spend $6.5 billion dollars more efficiently than pretending to protect out borders.

For more information:

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