Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Arizona Illegal Immigration "Facts" And Opinions

I found this video called Arizona Illegal Immigration Facts and Opinions thinking that it would give me actual facts and opinions. During the video, I kept waiting for the facts to appear, but it only seemed to be opinions that showed up. This video seems to only show the negative aspects of illegal immigration and it made the immigrants look like criminals that are mad at the U.S. for "taking their land"; and pregnant women come into the U.S. to have anchor babies and that they are so desperate that they migrate into this country while in labor. Like most of the citizens in this country that are for anti-immigration laws, they only pick the criminals and or the "gangsters" that put a negative taste in our mouth about immigration. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasan add campaign to support SB 1070 because "we need to protect this country and keep the criminals out".

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