Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is Arizona a Trend Setter?

Omaha World Harald wrote an article on Tuesday that Governor Heineman expects every state in the union to consider Arizona- type proposals for next year. The article states "Six other states considered Arizona-like laws this spring, including Minnesota, although none passed them, according to the national conference." The good thing about other states trying  to create immigration bills now, is that they get to see what works and what doesn't work, by looking at the messes Arizona has seem to have gotten into because of SB 1070. Nebraska's State Senator Charlie Janssen, who is trying to create a Nebraska version of the Arizona-style law claims “This isn’t certainly something I want to throw out to just make a political statement. It’s something that needs to be passed,” he said. “We’ve waited long enough.”

Huh. Interesting how so many people hated Arizona and boycotted us for SB 1070, yet states are now considering creating bills and laws that follow SB 1070.


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