Friday, October 1, 2010

U.N. Comes to Save the Day!!!

The U.N. is having sympathy for the immigrants and taking a shot at SB 1070. They made a statement saying, "deeply concerned about international migrants. Migrants in an irregular situation are more likely to face discrimination, exclusion, exploitation and abuse and more likely to be targeted... by racists... and victimized by unscrupulous employers."

I feel like this is ridiulous for a foreign organization to get involved in something like this. Don't they have something else better to worry about than SB1070? Especially since this bill doesn't exactly directly affect them.  There is enough people standing up for the immigrants already, that the U.N. doesn't need to act like a super hero and stick of for them too. Maybe they should go be a super hero for another country like... Africa? Maybe they could stand up for the child labor or the blood diamonds. There are a million things the U.N. has to worry about... and I feel SB 1070 shouldn't be one of them.

For more info:

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