Wednesday, November 3, 2010

GOP's Plan For Non-Hispanic Voting Backfires

On November 2nd, many U.S. citizens did their citizen duty and voted for Governor, Senator, State Senate and Representative along with many other things. A few weeks ago, the GOPs in Nevada created an ad campaign encouraging Hispanic voters not to vote because they would have a bigger impact not voting than voting. Specifically, there was a 16% Hispanic turnout and out of those 16%, Reid had won 2/3 of those votes. Well, that plan failed. I don't understand how the GOPs could've thought that trying to convince Hispanics not to vote because they mean more not voting than voting could have possibly upset them! I mean who honestly thought that Hispanics would just listen to someone pretty much telling them that they don't matter and not vote! That same someone probably should have came up with a 'Plan B' JUST in case their brilliant plan backfired. Now Sharon Angle lost to Harry Reid and the Hispanics proved that they do mean more voting than not voting!


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