Thursday, November 25, 2010

Only in Prescott....

So there's an elementary school in Prescott called Miller Valley Elementary School and last semester they started to paint a mural on one of the sides of the building that has a "darker" colored boy as the main focal point. Well, that did not sit well with the citizens of Prescott. Many were outraged that someone would even think about painting an African American boy on the side that faces one of the busiest intersections in the town, and to make it better, the painter tried to defend himself and say that the boy was not African American but was instead Hispanic. Like that made it any better!! So the painter decided to lighten the skin of the boy because "Jeff Lane, the school's principal, insisted his request for the faces in the mural to be lightened had nothing to do with race, but was intended to make them appear happier and brighter." Soooooooo does that mean that darker skinned people aren't happy and bright?! Interesting choice of words. This event was so big that it even made news in the U.K. where I found an article talking about it. AWESOME!! So not only do we hold up the ignorant stereotype claiming that white people are happier and brighter BUT we officially have been openly racist, especially after SB 1070.

For more information:

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