Monday, November 29, 2010

U.K. imposes new permanent immigration quota

Britain has decided to cap their work visas starting in April 2011 to 22,000 non- EU workers allowed in the country, reserving 1,000 of those visas to talented scientists, academics and artists. This is about one-fifth smaller than the amount of visas given in the year 2009.  This new decision came after growing pressure from the public and the burden on public services. Along with the cap,  no staff member who earn under 40,000 pounds (US$63,500) per year will be eligible to stay for longer than 12 months.

It seems like the whole world always complains about the United States closing their borders to immigrant workers. Now, with Britain capping their visas, countries shouldn't be complaining about us anymore! Especially since in the future, Britain will "kick out" visa holders making less than $63,500. That seems a little excessive to me. If our country created an outrageous rule like that for our visas, people everywhere would be having a cow and complaining about how we do not support the poor or the underprivileged BUT it would certainly solve our issues with illegal immigrants "taking our jobs" because we could just kick them out, oooorrrrrr they would actually start taking our real jobs such as medical or law practices, than we would really see the true meaning of taking our jobs!


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