Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Smugglers Stow Immigrants on Deserted Island

A local station did a report of a small island off of San Diego that smugglers are using to hid illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. Channel 10 news traveled with a a humanitarian group called Desert Angels to the island where they leave food and water for the immigrantst. The group told reporters that the immigrants are sometimes stranded on the island for days without food or water if smugglers are getting caught by the Coast Guard or due to bad weather. After the immigrants have been on the island, they get transported on small panga boats across San Diego at night. Researchers say that the immigration into the U.S. is down overall, but the number of immigration from water is rising.

This just shows how depserate people are to get into this country. Even though going by sea seems to give a better chance of not getting caught, I think that it is way more dangerous. The smugglers don't care about the people, as long as they have the money, they could care less about what happened to them. What's more dangerous with this, is that they are stranded on an island- which means there's really no way for them to get out of a scarey situation; unless they wanted to swim in the ocean! The report even talks about being stranded on the island if there was bad weather. I'm sure there aren't any sturdy buildings or shelters that the immigrants could hide under to stay away from the storm or to keep warm. This all just seems like a disaster waiting to happen.


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