Wednesday, November 17, 2010

California Supreme Court upholds law allowing illegal immigrants in-state tuition at universities

The Court in California has decided to uphold a law that lets illegal immigrants who have attended at least three years of high school and graduated from  a high school in California can now get the same tuition breaks as U.S. in-state students. The ruling reversed a decision by the state Court of Appeals that students who have illegal immigration status should pay out-of state costs. This gives students who are unable to apply for federal education grants or loans a break of more than $22,000.

Some people are having problems with this, claiming that it isn't fair that illegals are getting a tuition break while students who are citizens of this country that live out of state are having to pay overpriced tuition just because they aren't from California. Honestly, it wasn't like it was the illegal immigrant students are the ones that wanted to cross the border and live in California- it was their parents that decided to come across in search of a better life. So if they attended at least 3 years of high school in California AND graduated, why not give them in-state tuition? In the long run it would probably be better for the U.S. because then with their higher education they can start helping California and their economy instead of relying on the government welfare program. This is seems like a good plan to me! If people have such a problem with it, then maybe they should just move to California and attend high school for 3 years like the illegal immigrants.


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