Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Desperate Housewives actually makes you think!

Last Sunday, I was watching the newest episode of Deperate Housewives called "Sorry Grateful". It might seem irrelevant to immigration, but actually, Desperate Housewives touched on a very touchy subject. I don't know if you have been following the story or not, but here is the jist of it: a family living on Westeria Lane, Gabby and Carlos found out that their oldest daughter isn't actually theirs, and was actually switched at birth with another family's daughter. So Gabby and Carlos sought out this family and decided to become family friends with them and were going to spend Thanksgiving together. Now that we are all caught up, here is where ABC brings in the issue about immigration: Gabby and the other father go to the bakery to pick up the Thanksgiving pies. They get stuck in traffic where Gabby convinces the father to drive on the shoulder where he then gets pulled over. The police ask for his Driver's License, but since he is an illegal immigrant he does not have a Driver's License. Therefore, the police arrest the father and Gabby is left to drive back by herself to inform Carlos and the other mother. The mother freaks out and take Gabby's biological daughter so that they can pack up as much of their belongings as possible before the police find out where they live and deport the mother also.

It seems like the whole nation is on the topic about illegal immigration- from supporting or not supporting SB 1070 or creating illegal immigration laws, it seems like that is all I hear in the news! Even though it's everywhere, never before have I actually heard or seen this topic discussed in a primetime show. I was shocked first of all, that the writers of Desperate Housewives had the guts to actually "go there" and write a storyline on such a controversial topic in a popular T.V. show, but also that ABC would allow it to air! I give them mad props for having the guts to go where no T.V. show like them has gone before, but it also made me think about the deportation of illegal immigrants. When I hear of deportation of illegal immigrants, my focus usually goes to them and how they got caught, or what they were doing before they got deported, but I never thought about what actually happened to the families of the immigrants that got deported. For example, after watching Desperate Housewives I think, that is going to happen to the mother and daughter, where are they going to go live? How are they going to be able to support themselves? Will they follow the father's lead and just go back to Mexico so that they can all stay together? Will the mother get deported also? If the mother gets deported what will happen to the little girl who is actually a U.S. citizen? Hmmm.... Who knew a show like Desperate Housewives could actually make you think!

Desperate Housewives: 'Sorry Grateful' Episode

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