Friday, November 12, 2010

An Interactive Map Showing the Migration Patterns Since 1880's

I found this interactive map on New York Times that shows the percentage of demographics living in the country during a certain year starting at the year 1880. You can move the "time clock" which is in 10- year intervals and see the different races migrate based on the color coding. It's really interesting to move the dial and see how the different migration patterns of races have changed over time. One of the surprising things is in the 1920's, the southwest was predominantly Latin American, but for some reason in the 1930's it switches suddenly and the southwest becomes predominantly Western European. Then in the 1940's it reverts back to being predominantly Latin American. It's fun going through all of the decades and seeing how the colors change across the country. Another interesting thing is, until the 1980's there weren't very many Canadian immigrants, and even now, the Canadian immigrants are mostly populated along the U.S.- Canada border where as the Latin American immigrants have migrated to pretty much all of the southern and western parts of the country.

Interactive Map

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