Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tequila Party?

Well, there might be a Tequila party but it isn't the type of parties that we are used to... Instead, this Tequila party is in the midst of formation, inspired by the success of the Tea party, but this party is a boycott against the democratic party from the Latino voters. The idea of the Tequila party is floating around be the Latino voters are tired of the democratic party not delivering or putting aside Latinos are top priority. Robert de Posada, the man behind this fall's controverial "Don't Vote" ads said "The Tequila Party is a great concept to basically say, 'You know what? This blind support for you is coming to an end'. If you are perceived as someone who will never vote for a Republican, then you're screwed," because Democrats will take you for granted."

I think that it's about time that the Latino voters stand up for themselves! It always seems like they are getting pushed around from one political party to another just to gain votes that are needed, and then tossed out once they have done what was expected. There have been so many false promises made to the Latinos to gain their vote, but with no outcome once the elections are over. It isn't fair what is happening to them, and even though I don't necessarily agree with everything the Latinos are in favor for, I don't think that it's right that they get tricked and lied to just to gain their vote. I know that elections are basically a pleasing game, just promising anything to gain as many votes but then not acting on what was promised, but it seems like Latinos are targeted wwwaaaayyyyy more than other other ethnic, or religious groups out there! I say go Tequila Party! It's time to stand up and actually be heard (Just not pretended to be heard)! The only think I would change is the name- it's a little hard to take a political party seriously when the name they want to be called by is known to make clothes come off.... hmmmmm....


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